I haven't blogged in weeks. I think I'm developing a bit of a block.
I'm tired. All this translating into words, it can make my brain hurt. I think I need a break from thinking.
But I don't give myself a break. I don't really know how. Lately, the acts of writing fiction and thinking about systemic community issues have crowded out any self-reflective time I might have previously indulged.
I find myself thinking, what do I think I have to offer these people who are kind enough to visit my thoughts with me? Is what I'm thinking, ultimately, too rudimentary to be bothered capturing it at all? In any case, can I spare the time?
I'm going to publish this meander just to get back on the horse. Maybe soon the act of writing myself will engage me again. I've followed some friends into #reverb10 which I can let discipline me into at least a few lines of reflection each day. I look forward to sharing them.
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